Thursday, June 15, 2017

Keranique - This Is What You Call A “Solution For Hair Loss”


More than 50 per cent of women across the world suffer from hair loss. A startling figure says that around 40 per cent women notice hair thinning by the time they cut their 50th birthday cake. Moreover, today’s erratic lifestyle witnesses women as young as 25 complaining of profuse hair fall.

What we are dealing with in most cases is female pattern baldness, also called androgenetic alopecia. It is characterized by uniform falling of hair from the whole scalp. Hair fail to complete their life cycles and fall prematurely. They fail to be replaced by new strands. As this continues, gradually, the mane thins out.

Is there a solution?

Keranique is a promising treatment for female pattern baldness. It is formulated to activate follicle function and normalize hair growth cycle.

How does it do it?

It uses the sole FDA-approved medical compound, minoxidil, in its formulation. You can find it in 2 per cent concentration, which is the approved amount for female scalps.

The makers of this formula have fixed the dosage to 1 ml direct application on scalp two times a day. You must not exceed the dose thinking it will quicken hair growth. Minoxidil is a drug and has to be used with caution. 

As you order the treatment, you will find that the kit comes with a dropper so that you measure the exact amount.

What about Keranique shampoo & hair products?

You may use the brand’s products as you use others. There is no special way of using shampoo and conditioner. The products are safe to use daily too; however, experts advise against daily shampooing. At least have a gap of one day before you shampoo your hair again.

Patience and regularity are two virtues of a Keranique user. If you can achieve these, you are on the path to attaining beautiful, fuller looking mane soon.


Monday, May 1, 2017

Treat Hair Loss within Weeks

Think you are losing hair? Then probably you are. Observe your sink, pillow, comb, clothes, and your ponytail. Do you find hair almost everywhere? Is your ponytail actually just a tail now? If yes, then you are certainly losing hair… in huge numbers. Losing up to 150 strands per day is normal; but this does not affect the fluffiness of your pony tail.

Panic not, for you are not alone in this case. According to a report, about 45 percent of women in the US alone suffer from hair loss. This amounts to more than 50 million women!

Choose to suffer in silence? A huge mistake!

With super advanced hair care treatments like Keranique it would be unwise to do nothing about your hair loss condition. Did you know that by the time you learn about your hair loss you have already lost a lot of hair?

The solution to hair thinning lies in Keranique shampoo & hair products, say experts. So far, this hair care brand has proved to be one of the most effective ones in dealing with hair loss condition in women.

The brand also deals with hair loss due to aging

With age, follicles shrink. Also, excess sebum starts to build up on the scalp. This blocks the follicles. As a cumulative effect, follicles start producing hairs that are thinner in diameter. Gradually, they may even stop producing hair. 

Keranique Shampoo & Hair Products

The good news is that Keranique’s products are formulated in a manner that they revitalize follicles. However, this happens when you address the issue as soon as possible. Living with years of thinning hair may make your follicles die a premature death. Then, it becomes difficult to bring them back to life.

Keranique products are easily available online. You do not need a doctor’s prescription to use them. They are designed exclusively to stimulate follicle function and add volume to thinning hair. While this happens you end up getting a lustrous, fuller looking mane that would take years off your face. 


Thursday, March 2, 2017

Fighting Flyaways


Fighting Flyaways

One Strand at a Time

Frizzy flyaway hair can sabotage even the best styles and can be a real discouragement when looking in the mirror. You know them well—those pesky baby hairs that don’t quite belong, but don’t quite blend in, whether your hair is up or down! What’s a girl to do to combat those flyaways and pave the way to sleek, healthy-looking hair?

For the Health of It

Let’s be honest. Most of the undesirable problems we seek to remedy in our mane are due to damaged locks. Do a health check on your hair. Are you using hair products with enough moisture? Are you consistently applying a leave-in conditioner to hydrate stressed-out strands? Are you careful when combing through sensitive, wet hair, or do you rip through it with a hairbrush, breaking weakened strands along the way? Take a close look at your hair care habits and make sure you are doing your part to ward off broken, brittle locks. Those flyaways are much less of an issue in hair that is well-hydrated and cautiously cared for. Keranique offers a full line of hydrating and healing hair products to help you achieve stronger, fuller, healthier hair. 

Take Positive Control

They’re just fine, baby hairs. They can’t ruin my good hair day, right? Well, not if you have the weapons in your arsenal to combat them. If you’re fighting flyaways, make sure you have the tools on hand to tame them.

A conservative portion of leave-in oil will smooth out and weigh down hair just enough to force those tiny hairs back into hiding. Just make sure not to use too much—especially at the roots—or you’ll look like a greaser.  

Another option is to use hairspray to lay down those flyaways. This is especially effective when wearing your hair pulled back. The hairspray will quickly adhere the flyaways to the shape and style of your hair, and those baby hairs will be nowhere to be seen.

Style to Your Advantage

While you’re working on improving the health of your locks, remain flexible in how you’re styling your strands. There are certain styles that proudly display flyaways (ugh!), and some styles do a wonderful job of concealing them (score!). As you fix your hair each day, take note of the styles that look best (and worst) for hair that has broken into shorter strands, and style yourself accordingly. In addition to products, always keep bobby pins handy to sneak one in to tame flyaways. Hair that is pulled back (halfway or all the way) may prove to be the most obvious display of flyaways, while hair that is worn down and well-hydrated may be just the style you need for the sleekest possible appearance.